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My First Adventures

Today was the very first day of STEMmersion! I learned many important skills today, such as living deliberately. We were asked to create our personal definitions, then to share them with our tables. I had to think hard about this question. I knew it had something to do with being purposeful, but I didn’t know much beyond that. I concluded that the definition was living life to the fullest, while making your choices with purpose. I thought that it was a great definition, but after collaborating with my group, we were able to come up with an even better definition. My definition was really similar to one of my friend’s definition. So we took the aspect of living life to the fullest, and we added that the choices should be bold, as well as purposeful. I thought that it was a great edition, and I knew that I needed to live deliberately to be successful in my STEMmersion.

After that exercise we learned how our trip would help us to achieve living deliberately. I learned that you learn to notice more by growing close to nature. There is a multitude of detail, from the sounds of the birds, to the swaying of the grass. We took turns reading a poem out loud that gave suggestions on how to live deliberately. I was able to practice this while we went outside. However, before we did this, we got to know each other. We played two games to help get to know each other better. At first I thought it would be just a simple get to know you game, but the twist was a lot of fun. We wrote on hands to see what we had in common. I was expecting some of my traits to be very uncommon, however, every spot was signature, and it was very easy to find others with similar interests. We also played a game where we all were in a circle, and if the person in the middle called something you had, you had to go to a new spot. I met a lot of new people today who have similar interests, and I was able to make more friends through these exercises.

We also learned how to keep a blog about nature writing. Going into the process I remembered that I had kept a personal blog before, but never a nature blog. There were a lot of differences that I learned. One of which is that you need to not only describe the nature, but how you feel about it as well. This really has helped me to learn how to live deliberately. It’s nice to be able to reflect on the nature we saw. At first I thought it would be bland, but I believe now that it has helped me to be more appreciative of the beauty that has been put on this earth. We went outside, and saw many beautiful flowers, and because we were able to zoom in on the pictures we had took, we were able to appreciate all of the detail of nature. I am about to try yoga, I have only attempted yoga in fitness class last year, so I have some background, but I am excited to learn more. Bye for now!

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